
Ben Kucsan is a product designer driven by curiosity, relentless optimism, and a fundamental belief in the simple concept of when you make something, the way it will be perceived has a direct relationship with the amount of care that’s been extended in its creation. A member of the design team at WhatsApp in Menlo Park, California — focusing on messaging experiences across platforms for 3 plus billion users.


Master of Arts in Design from the University for the Creative Arts in the United Kingdom.

Diploma in Information Technology from the Federal Academy for Commercial Studies in Austria.


Founders receive disproportionate credit for the success of their companies, but it is always the achievement of many.


Made possible by standing on the shoulders of giants of those of co-founders and early supporters.


Ben Kucsan
Meta Platforms, Inc.
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025


Senior Product Designer at WhatsApp
Menlo Park, United States
2021 – Now

In partnership with product managers, engineers, UX researchers and content strategists, oversees the user experience of products from conception to launch. Takes broad, conceptual ideas and turns them into useful and valuable products for 3 plus billion users.

Notable accomplishments:

Senior Product Designer at Meta
London, United Kingdom
2019 – 2021

In partnership with product managers, engineers, UX researchers and content strategists, focussed on the zero to one effort of building live video capabilities for Portal, Meta’s smart, hands-free video calling devices with Alexa built-in.

Notable accomplishments:

Co-Founder and Head of Design at Thread
London, United Kingdom
2012 – 2017

Was responsible for all design at the company building a truly personal shopping experience using a mixture of the world’s best human styling expertise and artificial intelligence. Served on the board, led the design team, and oversaw brand and product development. Thread was acquired by Marks & Spencer, the largest fashion retailer in the United Kingdom in 2022.

Notable accomplishments:

Product Designer at Silverorange
Charlottetown, Canada
2006 – 2012

Managed and executed all phases of the design process, including communication with clients, ideation, product thinking, interaction design, visual design, and prototyping. Built and maintained large design systems that helped others deliver high quality products efficiently.

Notable accomplishments: